SAS SAS Admissions

SAS Admissions

Dear Parents,

Our Admissions Office handles all of the Admissions Exams and other documents to register each student. The Admissions Office is in the new school located at 187 Munah Street in the southern sector of Ajman in Al Tallah Area 2, Sheikh  Mohammed bin Zayed Street and Sheikh Ammar Street. The Admissions Office handles both boys and girls admissions.
The UAE/Ajman MOE sets the entry-age range for each grade level. These are mandatory ages for students that SAS and the parents must follow. Each student who seeks admission must take an Entrance Exam that lasts between one and two hours. KG has an oral/picture selection examination. Written Entrance Exams are set for grades 1-10.
Although the majority of the Entrance Exam is done independently by the student answering multiple choice questions, there is also a writing section where the student must write a paragraph or more to reveal their abilities in spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Also, the child will read what they wrote “out-loud” to the Admissions person.
Scoring the exam is also done by the Admissions Office but the interpretation of the scoring is left to the building Principal or their designee. Some students do not score well on tests but are very intelligent. When we score an Admissions Exam that is low, we do an extensive interview and investigate the situation. We look forward to evaluating your child for admission to SAS.
It shall be the policy of the Al Shola American School to admit students who possess good English language and good language use; students who want to learn more English language and possibly go to a higher education facility outside of the UAE.
Parents are always informed of the Admissions Exam results and the next steps.
Acceptance Expiry Policy
Students, who are accepted must complete enrollment process within 15 days of their acceptance letter. As there is a class size limit, students will be admitted on a first-come first-served basis. No seat can be reserved without full payment.
While waiting for financial arrangements to be completed and in the event of capacity enrollment at a grade level or in a program, the Admissions Office will maintain a waitlist. Waitlists for each grade level, program, or class shall be maintained based on the application priority and the date and time a complete application packet is received and all policy requirements are processed. If and when space is available in a class or a program, the parents will be advised immediately and asked to confirm that they still wish their child to enter SAS.
Current tuition and fees must be paid within 5-days of notification.
1.  SAS reserves the right to determine the proper placement for new students. Exam results, admissions interviews, and previous academic performance are all used to ensure a student’s proper placement.
2.  All students are on the Wait List until all fees are paid for entrance.
3.  Final grade placement is determined by the Admissions Office and the School Principal.
4.  Based on the English language proficiency tests results, students may be placed into special ESL programs or English tutoring. ESL students are accepted for grades 1-8 only. There is an additional fee for these services.
5.  Based on the academic proficiency tests results, students may be placed into our Special Education program. This program assists children with specific disabilities. There is an additional fee for these services.

Admission Steps

  1. Make an Appointment at the school / Inquire about Admissions paperwork
  2. Bring your child and come to the Admissions Office & Meet the principal
  3. Take a School Tour while your child takes Admission Exam
  4. Get school Admission Approval
  5. Pay Fees / Get Books / Arrange Transportation
  6. Enter school classes

SAS Admissions Check List

  1. Parent and student visits the SAS campus and asks about enrollment.
  2. Parent and student take a school tour and meet the Principal.
  3. The Entrance Exam is given to the student. It consists of:
    • 30 minute English Test of reading, spelling, pronunciation, writing.
    • Student interview (reading and speaking ability).
    • Parent Interview (completes registration and enrollment forms).
  4. Transcript inspection of previous school (academic and behavior).
  5. Scoring the Entrance Exam.
    • 100 points with 50 points for English .
  6. Admission Decision (admit or not admit).
  7. If admitted, Parent submits all required UAE MOE documents.
  8. Registration gets completed.
  9. Pay fees (Tuition, books, Activity, Transportation, other).
  10. Acceptance letter issued…Entrance date assigned.
  11. Develop student schedule / issue books, E-books.
  12. Parent Student Handbook issued.
  13. Student begins on the date assigned by the Admissions Office OR the Student may be put on the SAS waitlist.

Admissions Process Flow Chart

Required Documents

• 4 passport-size photographs.

• 1 copy of applicant’s passport including valid UAE resident visa & Emirates ID.

• 1 copy of the guardian’s passport including valid UAE resident visa & Emirates ID.

 • 1 copy of immunization record (Medical File).

 • Certificate of CONTINUE IN THE STUDY.

 • 1 copy of last year report card.

 • Original transfer documentation (must be attested if coming from outside of Ajman zone or UAE).

المستندات المطلوبة

• 4 صورشخصية للطالب.

صورة الهوية الإماراتية وجواز السفر والإقامة للطالب (ساري الصلاحية).

صورة الهوية الإماراتية وجواز السفر والإقامة لولي الأمر (ساري الصلاحية).

خلاصة قيد لمواطني دولة الإمارات.

شهادة إستمرار دراسة.

 •صورة شهادة التطعيم (الملف الطبي).

 •صورة من شهادة الدرجات لآخر صف دراسي.

 •شهادة إنتقال الطالب مصدقة من المنطقة التعليمية التابعة لها إذا كانت من خارج منطقة عجمان التعليمية.